The purpose of the Board is to...
- Establish policy for the development, implementation and operation of comprehensive data systems in support of criminal justice agencies and courts of this state.
- Insure that the State Bureau of Identification and other agencies collecting, storing or disseminating criminal history record information do so in accordance with the law.
In addition, the Board has the power and authority to...
- Establish and implement policy and procedures.
- Recommend any necessary legislation.
- Employ, supervise and evaluate an Executive Director.
- Approve the Executive Director's annual budget.
- Designate an Executive Committee.
- Perform all functions necessary to carry out their duties.
The mixed composition of the DELJIS Board has been a key component in successfully bridging the barriers that normally impede the sharing of information between criminal justice agencies. It is this shared approach that has enabled Delaware to design the first and only statewide fully "INTEGRATED" Criminal Justice Information System in America.